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souper duper everything you 
need to know to make spectacular soups
1 2 3 4
continued from page 3

creamy soup: cream of whatever soup 
Naughty, bring-on-the-fatty-goodness, real cream soups are undeniably delicious. This
recipe makes a beautifully creamy soup that’s just thick enough to give it body – if you like a really thick soup but don’t want to add more cream, you can add one diced russet potato along with the 4 cups of veggie.

2 tbsp. olive oil or butter
1 small-medium onion, minced
4 cups veggie of your choice, washed, prepped and chopped as necessary
(with broccoli, in particular, make sure you peel off the fibrous outer shell)
2½ cups stock (you can use half stock, half water if you like)
1½ cups milk
2T to ¼ cup whipping/heavy cream (you’ll need more if you’ve used skim milk, less if you’ve used whole milk)

serves 4-6

1 Heat the oil in a stockpot. Sauté the onion for five minutes or so, until fragrant and translucent.
2 Add the chopped veggie and stock. Turn the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Lower heat, cover and cook until the veggies are good and tender (cooking time will vary depending upon what vegetables you’ve used – broccoli and cauliflower will take about 12-15 minutes; spinach maybe five minutes tops). Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool for ten minutes or so.
3 Stir in the milk. Puree the soup in batches in a blender or food processor.
4 Return the pureed soup to the pot and stir in the cream. Gently reheat on medium-low (Make sure to heat slowly – you don’t want the soup to come to a full boil), until the soup has cooked down a bit and isn’t so watery. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy. good candidates for whatever | broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, spinach, carrots

check out these
related articles: 
stock tricks
make a chicken or veggie stock 
chicken soup days 
herb helper 

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