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pie for you, pie for m
3 classic pies for the holidays
by Yee-Fan Sun |
1 2 3 4 5
continued from page 4
very berry pie (cont.)
Pour the sour cream or yogurt into the flour-butter mixture, and use a spatula to quickly work it into the mix. The mixture will start to clump up; this is good. When the sour cream/yogurt seems more or less evenly distributed into the mix, sprinkle the remaining ¼ cup of flour over the contents of the bowl. Switch to your hands and knead for a minute or two, until you have a soft ball of dough. Toss in a plastic bag and refrigerate for about 45 minutes, while you wait for the filling to completely cool.
4 Preheat the oven to 375F. Remove the chilled dough from the fridge. Cut a portion that's about 2/3 of the total dough; this will be for the bottom crust. Roll out this portion into a big circle on a well-floured surface; it should be large enough to cover the whole bottom of the pie pan, and hang over at least an inch all around. Transfer it to your pie pan, and press it into place. Trim any excess crust so you have a more or less even 1" overhang all around. Save the scraps and add them to the remaining 1/3 of the dough.
5 Carefully pour the cooled berry mixture into the lined pie plate. Now take the remaining dough and roll it out until it's about ¼" thick. Slice it into 8 strips, each about 1" wide. Using four strips for the horizontal and four for the vertical, weave into a lattice over the berry filling, tucking the ends under the edges of the bottom crust; you may find you need to stretch the strip of dough slightly so it'll extend over the edge of the pan. Brush the lattice gently with milk, and sprinkle with sugar (do this carefully so as to avoid getting the purply berry mixture all over the crust).
lattice tips Weaving a lattice can seem a little tricky at first, as you try and figure out where strips need to go under and over each other. A few tips for the lattice newbie: First off, start off by placing two strips at right angles to each other along one corner of the pie. Second, as you add strips and begin weaving, bend back the strips on top of themselves to keep them from getting all gooey with filling. And last but not least, don't panic if despite your best attempts to do the weaving properly, you go under instead of over, or over instead of under. In the end, you'll discover it's not such a big deal, and your finished pie will look just fine despite the oops.
6 Pop the pie on a baking sheet (lined with foil if you like) and bake for about 40 minutes, until the crust is all puffed-up and golden.

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