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farmer jo, spice girl
cooking with ginger
by Joanna Piatek | 1 2 3 4
continued from page 1

The quickest way to make ginger tea — the world's best cure all— is with candied ginger. Candied (or crystallized) ginger is ginger's dressed up cousin. It's made by soaking slices of ginger in a sugar mixture, then coating them in sugar. The result is delicious on its own as candy, or used in other dishes. I always take candied ginger with me when I travel; I'm horribly prone to motion sickness, and there's something about sucking on the ginger that just makes me feel better. Candied ginger's downside is the price — it can be ridiculously expensive. Whenever possible look for it in bulk at health food stores or specialty stores. Trader Joe's has good deals on it as well.

Cure all Tea
2 large pieces of candied ginger
Hot water


1 sliced coin of fresh ginger/ or 1 tablespoon grated ginger
1 spoon honey (or to taste) 
Squeeze of lemon
Hot water

If you're using the grated ginger I would put it into a tea infuser, or you will be stuck picking bits off your tongue. Put either your fresh or candied ginger into a mug. Add boiled water. Let it steep for a few minutes, then either drink as is, or add honey and lemon. Unless you hate the taste of ginger, it's guaranteed to make you feel better!


this way for more recipes!


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