the clueless
cook's handbook:

how do cook pasta?

how do i cook pasta
Begin with a large stockpot. Yes, a stockpot, not some dinky little 3 quart saucepan, unless that’s the only cooking vessel you happen to have on hand. You don’t want to crowd your pasta into a tiny little pot with a tiny bit of water because: 1) the pasta will absorb quite a bit of water as it cooks, and 2) you want to give it plenty of room to toss about so that you won’t end up with a hopelessly inedible clump of pasta. You’ll need about a gallon of water to cook a pound of pasta. You can cook it in less – and I certainly have, though generally only in hiking/camping situations, when excess water usage is a big issue – but you’ll have to be far more vigilant about standing watch over the stove, and stirring continuously throughout. And even then, it’s entirely likely that the pasta will stick together. So: you have been warned.

You can add salt to the pasta as it’s cooking if you like; just make sure to do so after the water has come to a boil. Salt will, of course, give the pasta more flavor, but personally I never bother with it – frankly, I don’t need any more sodium in my diet than I already get.

Note: There’s no need to break up long pasta – just use a long-handled wooden spoon to gently push the noodles into the water until they’re completely submerged.

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