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some style! where
to go for decorating inspiration
by Yee-Fan Sun | 1
continued from page 1
Still, one of my biggest
peeves with many decorating magazines, TV shows, and websites is that they
only feature homes created by professional interior decorators. Yeah, the
pros can do some amazing things, but let’s face it: the $1000 makeover these
folks tout as budget is pretty far out of the reach of many of us in the
quasi-adult years. Moreover, pros can get insider deals on both material
and labor, which regular peeps like you and me generally can’t access. Frankly,
professional makeovers always seem a little bit like cheating to me.
Fortunately, the
web is chock full of ordinary people sharing photos of their very
own, non-professionally-decorated pads. One of my favorite places
to get a peek at these real-life homes, then, is craftster.org’s
interior decorating projects forum. Here you’ll see
big spaces and little spaces; bedrooms in the parental abode and
homeowner’s new nests; punk styles and country styles; minimalist
chic and kitschy sumptuous splendor. The results range from ho-hum
to downright genius; what’s nice about all the spaces, though, is
that they’re lovingly created by the folks who live there, and generally
on very modest budgets.
And of course,
don’t forget to check out the Open
House gallery at Digs itself. Featuring real-life homes
from actual Digs readers, it’s a great way to see how other quasi-adults
are solving typical decorating dilemmas like small spaces, itty-bitty
bank accounts, rental restrictions, and figuring out a sense of personal
newstands now
your eyes start glazing over from staring at that computer screen
for hours
on end, head to the nearest bookstore behemoth instead. Books are
nice for flipping through at the store, but if you’re looking to
buy, you can get a whole lot more image for your money by heading
to the magazine section. Skip over crusty-fusty design mags like
Architectural Digest and Mom-geared glossies like Better Homes & Gardens;
these days, hip, DIY-centered, budget-oriented magazines are popping
up all the time (sadly, they tend to go under just as quickly, so
if you find a publication you like, buy every issue that comes out
while you can). One of the best is ReadyMade, which features ridiculously
clever, crafty home projects and a refreshingly gender-neutral (i.e.,
non-girly) take on home décor. Domino is also good for a browse;
while it’s a little more consumer-centric (not necessarily a bad
thing, as it can be helpful knowing where to buy the goods you see
in a picture) and ideas occasionally a tad pricey by my cheap-o standards,
it tends to feature fun, funky homes chock full of personality.
Of course, nothing
beats seeing a fab pad in person -- which is why your friends and
other associates might just end up being your best decorating muses.
Start keeping an eye out when you’re visiting your pal’s pads; never
turn down an invitation to pop over to some new acquaintance’s home.
Meanwhile, when you see something you like – a chair, some artwork,
a gorgeous paint color – don’t hesitate to ask about it. The idea
isn’t to single-white-female your friend with the stylin’ apartment
by buying the exact same items for your home – nobody likes a copycat,
and really, you want your place to be uniquely you in the end, right?
But friends with naturally great taste can point you to their favorite
shops, online stores, and other resources, providing insider tips
on where to score the best deals and find neat goodies. Meanwhile,
crafty buddies can give you the scoop on how to tackle those DIY
projects you so admire, but can’t quite figure out how to do yourself.
With a little help
from your friends, plus some inspiration from outside sources, you’ll
be well on your way to an amazing pad of your own.
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