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into the wardrobe little ways to bring some order to your clothes closet by Yee-Fan Sun | 1 2 3
continued from page 2

5 Star organizer. Get yourself some hanging canvas organizers. They’re available just about anywhere that sells home organization paraphernalia, from IKEA to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and The Container Store. You can find wide ones that are great for keeping your sweaters at easy reach; narrower ones, meanwhile, are usually advertised as shoe organizers but also come in handy for stashing accessories like scarves, small bags and outdoor gear.

6 Shelve it. The key to maximizing your closet space is taking advantage of vertical space as much as possible. The more stuff you can get up and off the floor, the better. So take a good look at your closet. Can you find room to add a shelf? If there’s space above your closet rod, don’t waste it. Get yourself over to the hardware store and put in a shelf. If there’s a lot of space, add two. Shelving can also come in handy at the bottom of your closet – use shelving separated by bricks or cement block to cobble together a shoe rack.

7 In the bag. With your fab new shelving installed, you could just throw your stuff onto it all willy-nilly. This, however, is a sure-fire way to ensure that goods will be hard to access, and that at some point, you will attempt to pull down that blanket or sleeping bag or whatever, and find yourself dodging an avalanche of junk. To avoid this fate, invest in some clear plastic storage bags. (Better yet, hang onto the ones that come with new duvets and the like.) They’re lighter and therefore easier to pull out than plastic storage containers, and great for keeping out-of-season linens, extra towels, out-of-season and occasional-use goods corralled. Plus, since they’re generally see-through, you can easily figure out what’s in what bag with just a glance.

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With just a few small changes to your closet, you’ll be well on your way to managing the chaos -- no major renovations required.

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