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s.a.d. no more! trounce winter’s dark and chill with mini-parties by Katy Balcer |  1 2 3 4 
continued from page 2
the russian evening
My former roommate, Kate, had a passed-along borscht recipe she used to make in the winter. Despite my hatred of beets, I thoroughly enjoyed this root-vegetable soup one night last January after I stumbled in after work to find three friends around my kitchen table partaking of large, steamy bowls of pink soup, topped (if desired) with dollops of sour cream.

Borscht wasn’t the thickly pureed, bloody-looking liquid I’d expected. With some dark bread (try it with farmer’s cheese or spread with veggie cream cheese) and donated vodka (a smart and generous friend brought Ketel One, a Dutch vodka, but the most important thing is not to skimp! This needs to be vodka you can sip and enjoy), the meal was a perfect one to eat while gabbing, clustered around the kitchen table and watching snow fall outside. Offering a selection of hot teas (perhaps with sugar cookies and dried fruit?) is a good way to extend the warmth, especially if you have a kettle that whistles!


don't stop now: still more this way!

Like many soups, this borscht recipe isn't quite an exact science. As it's a family recipe, Kate always made it from memory, one of those "a little of this, and some of that" type of dishes. And no one would ever have guessed! Suffice it to say that the ribs are for making the stock, the vegetables should be added in amounts to make the soup a meal rather than a broth, and the remaining ingredients added to taste.

pork ribs (not much meat is actually needed – it’s the bones you’ll use)

approximately equal volumes of …

seasonings added to taste
sour salt
salt and pepper
sour cream, if desired

1 Boil the bones (you want more bone than meat – ribs work) first and then simmer. Use enough water to cover the meat – about a quart and a half. This creates the stock.
2 Also add the key ingredient -- sour salt, but be careful with it, cause it's strong stuff (about two or three pinches is fine).
3 Add salt and pepper. 
4 Add your (chopped) vegetables: Potatoes, beets, and parsnips first; carrots, turnips, and cabbage later. 
5 Cook it together until all your vegetables are soft enough to enjoy in soup. Add any more salt and pepper if needed. Top with sour cream if desired.

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