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raise the bar tend a better home bar 
by Yee-Fan Sun |
1 2 3
continued from page 2

ice is nice
Fill your cocktail shaker or whatever you're mixing in with plenty of ice -- before adding any other ingredients. As each ingredient is added, it'll be chilled as it's poured over the ice. Dump out your ice and start fresh with each batch of drink you make.

It's also a nice touch to chill your glasses. You can stick them in the freezer for five minutes before you need to use them, or in the fridge for a half hour. Alternatively, for instant chilling, fill a glass with ice, give it a good swirl, dump, and you're ready to go.

your serve
Once you've made your fabulous cocktail creation, you don't want to spoil all that hard work by sloshing it all out of the glass as you attempt to deliver it to your guests. The key to avoiding spillage is actually pretty simple: don't overfill those glasses. Leave about a 1/3"-1/2" or so free at the top of the glass to give the liquid a little room to dance around while it's being transported. Your carpets will thank you for it.

It's also a good idea to get yourself some sort of serving tray to pass out drinks to guests. Don't get too ambitious as you're loading up the tray; unless you have unusual powers of superhuman strength and balance, you probably won't be able to fill it up completely. Pile on as much as you can easily carry, and don't forget to toss a stack of cocktail napkins on the tray as well.

Hand each guest a drink with a cocktail napkin tucked just under it. Then get ready to bask in the compliments as everyone marvels over how easy you make it all look.


check out these related articles: 
a very basic bar | beyond the basic bar | 8 slick tools for mixing drinks in style | drink dress-ups | host a cocktail party 

plus... check out the cocktail recipe index !


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