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5 ideas for organized fun
 by Yee-Fan Sun |
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On the other hand, cooking/eating clubs can also be a great way for neophyte cooks to learn some very useful kitchen skills: if the cooking abilities of your pals range from total novice to culinary genius, a great way to run your club is to have the host be responsible solely for digging up some recipes that sound tasty, buying/assigning the necessary ingredients, and then having everyone pitch in to actually put the meal together.

Theme ideas
International eats — There are two ways to do this: let the host put together a feast consisting of foods from the foreign country of their choice, or assign a country, and have each guest bring a dish from that country’s cuisine
Hometown eats — The host cooks specialties from whatever area of the country/world they might have grown up – great for getting a taste of authentic regional specialties.
Experimental food night -- Warning: for adventurous eaters only … assign each guest an ingredient type – e.g. vegetable, starch, meat, fruit, etc. – and come up with a menu using whatever you happen to end up with.

5 Wine Club/Cocktails Night
If the thought of letting your non-cook friends organize a monthly meal for you scares the bejeezus out of your inner gourmand, try a wine or cocktails club instead. Jumping into the fancy-schmancy world of wine and cocktails can be a little daunting, for anyone whose sole experience with liquor has consisted of cheap beer and rum & cokes, but honing your expertise in the company of friends makes it a whole lot more fun. And despite all the wine-tasting classes and bartending books out there, there’s really only one sure way to become a true connoisseur: experiment plenty, and learn first-hand what you like.

Wine club — It’s a good idea to a decide on a general theme for each wine gathering. Do Cabernet Sauvignons one month, Shirazes the next, Rieslings another; or do your wine tasting by region, concentrating on California reds one month, New Zealand whites another, Spanish wines the next. Hosts choose a given gathering’s theme, provide glasses and light munchies, and guests each bring a bottle of wine that fits the theme.

Cocktails night — can be organized by concentrating on a specific liquor each month, or by exploring classic cocktails and their variations. The host provides the base liquor(s), glassware, and equipment, and each guest arrives with a cocktail recipe that they’re interested in trying, along with any specialty ingredients required.

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an essay | crash course in wine | must-see dvd tv | how to start a bookclub

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