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...and melt with you 
how to have a fondue party by Stephanie Cloutier 

the recipes
the classic cheese fondue
1 clove garlic, halved crosswise
1 ½ cups dry white wine
1 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp Kirsch or cherry brandy
2 cups (½ lb) Emmental cheese, coarsely grated
2 cups (1/2 lb) Gruyere cheese, coarsely grated

Rub inside of the pot with the garlic, then discard. Add wine to the pot and bring just to a simmer over moderate heat. In a separate cup, stir in cornstarch and brandy.

Gradually add cheese to the pot and cook, stirring constantly in a zigzag pattern (not a circular motion) to prevent cheese from balling up, until cheese is just melted and creamy. Do not let it boil. Stir in cornstarch mixture and stir into fondue. Bring to a simmer and cook, still stirring, until thickened, 5 to 8 minutes. Transfer fondue pot to stand over flame and serve.

Dipper options for a cheese fondue: red, yellow or green sweet bell peppers, asparagus, carrot and celery sticks, pretzels, bread sticks, pepperoni slices, sausage slices, mushrooms, brie, apple slices, pineapple slices

beef fondue
3 pound piece boneless beef sirloin or tenderloin
cooking oil (canola or other vegetable oil)

Trim any fat found. Cut meat into bit-size cubes. Keep refrigerated until 20 minutes before cooking. You can marinate your beef if you like, though it's not essential.

Fill a metal fondue pot about half-full with a 50/50 mixture of oil and butter, or you can use oil only. Heat the oil/butter on the stove until it's about 360 degrees F. If you are using the butter and oil combination then heat slowly until the butter bubbles and the mixture turns a golden color.

Set the fondue pot on the stand over a moderately high direct heat and maintain the heat.

Each guest spears a cube of beef with the fondue fork, holds in the oil until cooked till desired (about 1-3 minutes, depending upon how they well-done they like their beef). Use a sauce to dip cooked beef.

sauces for beef fondue:
Horseradish Cream Sauce
1 cup sour cream
3 tbsp prepared horseradish
2 tsp lemon juice
2 scallions, finely chopped
¼ tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Best prepared one hour before serving.

Spicy Cocktail Sauce
1 cup ketchup
2 tbsp vinegar
¾ tsp prepared horseradish
dash hot pepper sauce

Combine all ingredients in one bowl and keep in fridge until use.

chocolate fondue
1 cups premium cocoa powder, sifted
1 ¼ cups spring water
1 ½ cups granulated sugar
¼ cups corn syrup
½ cups plus 5 Tbsp heavy cream
5 ounces premium semi-sweet chocolate, chopped

Sift the cocoa into mixing bowl and set aside. Place water, sugar and corn syrup into a pot and bring to boil. Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes until sugar mixture has reduced by almost half (or about 30%). Pour the cocoa powder into the mixture and blend with a whisk until smooth. Return the chocolate mixture to the stove and continue cooking over medium heat. Add heavy cream, bring to boil and allow it to simmer for five minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in chopped chocolate. Pour into fondue and keep warm.

Dipper options for a chocolate fondue: dried apricots, dried apples, fresh apple slices, pineapple, mandarin, banana slices, strawberries, raspberries, pound cake slices.

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